Suzy threw Paul a disgusted look. “Didn’t you say the school ordered these custard pies?” she asked, tipping her head at the two trays on the preparation table between them.

Paul looked blank for a moment, and then threw his eyes upward. “No! I said deliver them to the Bistro. The school’s order is right here ...” He picked up the half dozen boxes of chocolate cake waiting on the counter behind him and looked at Suzy.

“Bunny, WHAT exactly did you hear Paul say?”

“Don’t get me involved!” Bunny said quickly, wisely staying out of the spat. “I didn’t hear a thing!”

“Well, you don’t have to say. I know what Paul said. Send the pies to the school, he says, so I send the pies to the school!” She turned to her brother and glared. “And what do you know; they ordered cake, not pies!”

Paul brushed her off maddeningly. “Well, no harm done. Just take these pies to the Bistro – they’ve been chasing for them all morning – and on your way back drop the cakes off! Easy!”
Grumbling loudly, Suzy started to load the trays and boxes into the delivery van. After she had gone, Paul went into the pantry to check his stock.

“Bunny,” he called out, “can you please put in some extra orders for cream cheese? “

Bunny appeared, his hands covered in flour. He gave Paul a strange look, elbowed him out of his way and jerked his head at one of the shelves in the huge double door chillers. “You ordered those in yourself yesterday, didn’t you?”

“Ah ...” Paul said with a slight smile. “That’s right, so I did.”

Bunny peered at Paul. “You ok, boss? Coming down with something?”

“I’m fine,” Paul said shortly.

“You’ve been a bit messed up lately, if you don’t mind my saying so.” Bunny pointed out.

“I’m perfectly all right, no need to make a case out of this. I just forgot.” Paul sounded nettled.

“Well, maybe you should take a break, go lie down ...” Bunny suggested, thinking it was only ten am and it sure didn’t look promising for Paul.

“No, no,” Paul replied somewhat irritably. “Just have a lot on my mind lately. It’s the busy season, and you know how it’s like.”

Bunny shrugged and went back to his dough. “Yeah, no more busy than we were last week, or the week before that ...” he mumbled to himself.

If Paul heard him, he did not show it. He went instead to his office to look through his menu checklist for the upcoming birthday party. After a while, he threw the sheaf of paper down in frustration; he just could not focus.



Zay had managed to whip himself into a frenzy during the past week and subsequently drove his housemates bonkers. He'd never changed clothes so many times in his life, only to end up more and more confused about what he should wear. It got to the point to where Jinx and Syd were hiding from him. Izzie and Zay shared a room, so for Izzie escape wasn't an option.

"I know I shouldn't have stopped going to the gym, I'm just not buff enough to pull off a hot stud." Zay threw his latest wardrobe choices on the floor with previous rejects and sat on the edge of the bed, lip stuck out in a petulant fashion. "Why is this so fucking difficult?"

Izzie gave forth a long suffering sigh. "Dude, you have ripped arms because of all the drumming, use that. I'm sorry, but trying to go for an innocent, urchin look isn't going to work after you've already had hot and horny sex with the guy in a closet."

"Well, just oral." Zay stood in front of the full length mirror and and flexed his muscles. "You're right though, I do have nice arms. So the dark red tie-dyed tank." Zay dug through the pile of clothes until he found the tank top. "My black leather biker jacket, with all the zippers and buckles, or does that just scream cruisin' the leather gay bars?"

"Yeah. Wear the black denim one."

"Well if I do that, then I have to wear black jeans. And my ass huggingest pair have ripped knees." Zay reached over and took a sip of his beer. "But, I'd kinda look cute, sexy and a little wild all at once. Paul'd be like a deer in the headlights." He sat his beer down. "Let me try it out." He changed clothes for about the fiftieth time in the last hour. "Yeah, I think this will work. My black boots?"


"Ok. This is taken care of then." Zay set the chosen clothing aside as Izzie muttered his thanks to any and all gods or goddesses listening. "All I have to do now is wait for the big day."

"I'll tell Jinx and Syd it's safe to come out of hiding."